Friday, June 26, 2020

What happens if I blog after 12 long years!

Wow it feels surreal to document my thoughts..its been 12 long years since I last wrote a blog post. Everything has changed: facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok and many more..Does anyone even really blog nowdays? Writing your thoughts has become like writing a Thirukural: two lines! Probably Thiruvalluvar pioneered microblogging :))

I was going through my old posts and it was very nostalgic..Some of my early blogger friends are still friends: K R Karthik, Jeevan Kumar and Joseph Thomas..

Sometimes you wish life had a rewind button. I do miss the good old blogging days. I am not sure if I am going to ever blog again..but this post makes me feel good - like Karthik revisting his home after 14 years in Varusham 16! :)


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